Thursday, September 8, 2011

Meet Sui Xiu Mei

After more than a year in the adoption process Abby and I got our referral for our daughter last week and have officially accepted it.  Her name is  Sui Xiu Mei  ( $20 for the first person that pronounces that correctly).  We got our referral on August 30th (last Tuesday) and after having her medical records reviewed we officially accepted her on August 31st.  We would have posted this sooner but  Lifeline, our adoption agency asked us to not share any pictures or details until after we received our pre-approval from China to travel

Sui Xiu Mei  is from the Guangdong Province located on the south China sea near Hong Kong.  She is 19 months old and will turn 2 on January 12th.  She was born with a cleft lip and cleft palate.  Both will be surgically repaired after we bring her home.  We are both so excited and can't get to China fast enough.  We want to thank everyone for all of your prayers and support and ask that you continue to pray for us as we begin to make our travel plans.  We plan on traveling sometime after the first of the year.  We will continue to keep everyone updated with any new pictures or details that come our way. 


  1. Hi Brad, I was sent your blog today and I am so excited for you guys! I had no idea you were adopting and I'm thrilled for y'all and excited to be able to pray for you guys during this journey. What a blessing your sweet girl will be! Congratulations!!

  2. I was so excited to see this of fb last week. I thought I commented, but things are hectic around here! I count it a privilege to pray for you on this journey. Children are a blessing, although I have absolutely zero girl experience, they are all a blessing!

  3. Guys, you know that we are ALL so excited for you. I know how long and tedious this process has been. God is going to bless you ten fold.
